By xraymike79: The Inconvenient Truth of Modern Civilization’s Inevitable Collapse

Xraymike79 doesn’t write very much anymore, but when he does, he’s awesome. Here are a few excerpts from today’s essay that stood out for me, but the whole thing is worth your time. Today’s global consumption of fossil fuels now stands at roughly five times what it was in the 1950s, and one-and-half times … Continue reading “By xraymike79: The Inconvenient Truth of Modern Civilization’s Inevitable Collapse”

By xraymike79: Evolutionary Dead-Ends

Xraymike79 doesn’t write very often anymore, but when he does it’s always worth your time because he’s one of the best, if not the best, big-picture chroniclers of human overshoot. Here are a few excerpts from his latest essay but I recommend you read the whole thing: “It may seem impossible to imagine that … Continue reading “By xraymike79: Evolutionary Dead-Ends”

By xraymike79: Some Fun Facts for a Dystopic Future

Here is an excellent new post by xraymike79 in which he provides a big picture summary of the facts that should be at the top of our election priority list and yet we do not acknowledge or discuss them. Denial is amazing. History has proven considerably worse than the Club of Rome’s projections. The … Continue reading “By xraymike79: Some Fun Facts for a Dystopic Future”


Start Here Welcome un-Denial Manifesto: Energy and Denial Why my interest in denial? Denial Theory (video version) Denial Theory (short version) By Alex Smith: Radio Ecoshock interview with Ajit Varki Darwin & Varki On Burning Carbon: The Case for Renaming GDP to GDB You know you are in trouble when… What would a wise society … Continue reading “Favorites”